Saturday, June 27, 2009

The hazards of smoking

I keep thinking about smoker when my lecturer of physiology subject showed to us a slide about cigarette. Before going to KISAS, I was in ‘SMK’. So, there are quite a lot of disciplinary cases compared to my boarding school. All the boys in my class on that time admitted that they experienced smoking. Some of them smoke regularly. How could anyone take a fool action by damaging their beautiful lungs? I do not know.

I have to say that I am glad that my father, brothers and men around me are not a smoker. From the slide show, smoking is really hazardous to health. In a single of cigarette, there are many harmful chemicals being inserted. Some of them are tobacco, nicotine (to kill cokcroaches), carbon monoxide (poisonous gas), formaldehyde (to preserve dead specimens), ammonia (household cleaner), arsenic ( rat poison), cadmium (used in batteries), methophrene (insecticide) and many more.

A regular smoker is always coughing. I observe this is the obvious sign of a smoker.
The old man that are addicted to cigarette, often hacking away every now and then. They take medicine to encounter the cough but it is useless. The only solution for them is to quit smoking.
This is easy to say ‘stop smoking’! but I can see that almost of the smoker is impossible to do so. They love smoking too .much. I really do not know why.

It is no secret or mystery. Cigarette smoking is bad for us. Cigarette smoking leads to low birth weight babies, lung cancer, emphysema, mouth cancer, and other serious diseases that nobody likes to think about. It stains the teeth and stinks up the clothes, and yet brings to death! So few of smokers quit the habit. Why?

Smoke can damage our respiratory system. As an example the damage begins when tobacco smoke temporarily paralyzes the microscopic hairs (cilia) that line our bronchial tubes. Normally, these hairs sweep irritants and germs out of your airways. But when smoke interferes with this sweeping movement, irritants remain in our bronchial tubes and infiltrate the alveoli, inflaming the tissue and eventually breaking down elastic fibers. This can bring to emphysema. Emphysema causes a loss of elasticity in the walls of the small air sacs in your lungs. Eventually, the walls stretch and break, creating larger, less efficient air sacs that are not able to handle the normal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

My lecturer also showed us the picture of a baby from a smoker mother. Pity on the baby. I felt afraid to see the baby and until now I cannot forget the picture. When I think back about my former classmates that are smokers, actually they do not have enough stamina compared to non smoker. They tire quickly. Hmm..they thinked that they were smart enough in order not being catched by teachers. But teachers are not fool. Yellow teeth, smelly clothes, black lips are sure signs of a smoker. Teacher always saying that do not smoking to all the students in my class. Haha.. hoping that they are smart enough to realize. I hope so..

I heard a story that a medical student also a smoker. I laugh because I cannot believe on it. is it true? Some of the girls say so to me. They said that they saw some of the boys. Ridiculous! Haha..Whatever! I will not believe for something that has no proof in front of me. But, as an advice..if it is true..please quit smoking as we (girls) really hate and have no respect for those teenagers that are smoking! Especially a future doctor. Good luck! Hehe..

I learn to shop wisely when living in INTEC..

Most of us use money to buy what we need in this world. We do our shopping in various places. Sometimes we are satisfied with what we buy. But sometimes we do not get our money's worth. Then we will feel we are being cheated. To avoid being cheated, we as students who are not familiar in managing our own finance, should know how to shop wisely.

To shop wisely means not wasting our money on useless things. We have to be careful with what we buy. It is a good practise to check the price of the goods first. Every shop is required by law to display price tags for all items. Goods that have no price tags should be avoided. More than that, it is better if we compare the price of the goods at various places. We probably be shocked by the differences in price. By living in Cemara, there are a lot of shopping complexes nearby. For examples there are Mydin, Giant, Ole-Ole and others. So, we should compare the price first before buying them.

On the second week at Cemara, one of my roommates wanted to buy a calculator. But we are not familiar with the place on that time. So, she just bought a calculator at a watch shop before surveyed at another shops. She bought it for RM 45. Unluckily, when she went to the another shop, she discovered that she could bought the calculator with the same model and quality at a much lower price. She really regretted as she only had a few money in her pockets for that week. We learn something from it.

Next, we should check on the expire date of the goods. Items without the expiry date should not be bought. As example, I always buy a loaf of bread on every Sunday. I buy it as I will eat two slices before going to lecture and three slices to be eaten at 1 pm. Usually a loaf of bread is enough for five days. If I do not check on the expiry date, the bread might be wasted and so as my money! hehe...

The condition of the goods that we aim to buy should be checked. Should not be fooled by the attractive packaging. See the item itself and make sure it is worth for our money. As
example, if we want to buy goods in cans. The cans should be examined first if there are any dented parts or rust.

When paying for the goods at the counter, it is a good practise for us to make sure that the price are correctly entered. Then keep the receipt in case we want to return it back or exchange anything. Count the change after paying for the items that we buy. Finally we should only buy the items that we need. As a conclusion, we should manage our finance in a smart way. Especially when we want to shop for something! Beware..

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Study just to pass the examinations?

I keep thinking myself about UPSR,PMR and also SPM. I pass all the examination with flying colours. I got all As in all the examinations. But there is something that I always wonder. Were I studied before this just to pass the examination? hmm..most likely I think. But it seemed the same with my schoolmates. We are concerned with the examinations. We do not study other things. I asked my sister and brother and sister in phone. 'What are you doing?' they said 'We are studying la..the examination is just around the corner!'.. sometimes, it sounds weird.

The reason that we do not study other things is because we have no time for them. As I were staying in the hostel before, I have to follow the schedule. Our time were very packed. School subjects take up all our time in schools and much of our time out of of school (additional class).

Everyday we have to learn so many things. Lessons continue one after one with a short break. Our brains switch from one subject to another subjects in a day. Let say we have 6 subjects in a day. I managed most of the time but sometimes it gots so tiring. Sometimes we did not not understand lessons in class, so we go back to the hostel and only have enough time to study back the lessons that we cannot cope.

Second, there was always examinations around the corner. Since very young,we usually have been taught this: passing an examination is good and failing in examination is very bad. We are expected to pass. All the people around us applause us when we get A! When we are fail, we are worthless. This is what I experienced before. No one wants to be considered worthless or be punished for failure. But this is what the world is.We study because we want A and do not want to fail.

Before this, some teachers say that we should study to acquire knowledge. Knowlwdge is something precious. It is all very to be practised on but I do not see anyone practising it including myself. But I always deny that I study because I want to know something new!

Some of my classmates who cannot cope with their study,they simply give up studying. They are marked as failures so that they see there was no point in studying anymore. I felt sad and always adviced them. But..hmm..I do not know how to say. I still studied and do my examinations as best as I could. But actually I did my exams with only on thing in mind: I have to get all As.

Someone told me that we have to study because Allah asked us to gain knowledge. Then we can be someone that is useful for our religion, family, community and country. If we just study with no point (just to get excellent in result), we surely can be easily to forget the knowledge that we have learned. I asked myself again. Yeah..that is it. I forget most of them. By living in the university, I have to be independent. If I search for more, I will gain more knowledge and I can share the knowledge with others. So, I bear in my mind now that 'I have to study firstly because of Allah' after then, I can think to study because of another things. I also will always advice my siblings and other people that read my blog! In conclusion, STUDY IS NOT JUST TO PASS THE EXAMINATION BUT STUDY IS TO ACQUIRE KNOWLEDGE.

Health is Wealth..

Recently I read an article about health. So, I would like to share something about the article. For my opinion I agree whole heartedly with my title that is 'health is wealth'. If a person is not healthy then the person will find it very difficult to enjoy their life eventhough they are rich. If you are asked to choose one of the following things,which will you prefer? 'health wihout wealth' or 'wealth with out health'? without hesitation, I will choose the first one. But actually I want health and wealth! exactly..hehe..

Wealth is generally connected with how much money a person has and how rich is the person. After reading the article, I think about my neighbour. He is very rich. He has everything that anyone hope for and sometimes no one dares to hope for as it is so much luxuries. He lives in a huge house with guards and sophisticated burglar alarm. He also has expensive car (like BMW) , furniture, pictures and other things that a rich person has. Hmm..well..he has everything except a good health.

Everywhere he goes,he will will carry along with him a bag of medicine. He has to take a lot of pills everyday for his weak heart, diabetes and hypertension. He is now 60 years old. Our family are really close. Of course as we are neighbourhood. He told my father one evening about his lack of health and said that he wish that he was young and lead a health life again. So that he will not suffer like now. Unfortunately, no one can regain his health again.

I hope when I learn in medicine, I will know what should and should not do in order to lead a healthy life. Then, I could always advice my parents, family and other people around me about health. What is the use of money if one has to take so much medicine everyday. How can one enjoy life when one's body is pain?

Health without wealth is better. That is what my parent and grandmother have now. I will always pray that my family, teachers, friends, and other persons that love me are in a good health. InsyaAllah.. I also pray that I will be rich and in a good health. This is because I want to give my parents living in a comfortable and some luxuries in their life one day! I hope to give them pleasure in vacation to other country. Hehe.. just dreaming right now and hopefully it will become true one day!